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Good communication is one of the best tools that a dentist has at his or her disposal. Here at Brown Dental Arts, we strive to communicate openly with all of our patients in order to provide the best possible service. We understand that there are many reasons why people may be less than enthusiastic to come in and talk to us. Many people have a fear of going to the dentist, and so they decide to hide and ignore problems such as a toothache. Some people are also embarrassed about aspects of their dental history or embarrassed about the state of their teeth, and some people are intimidated by the amount dental terminology that some dentists use.

In order to give you the highest quality of care, all of our dentists make it a priority to have clear lines of communication with every patient and we use terms that you can understand. We have a friendly and understanding dental team that works to understand your needs as well as put you at ease, and we aim to provide you with a stress free environment. One of the greatest causes of dental disease is not catching problems in the early stages; if you are having any tooth pain or other dental concerns, it is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible. If you do have anxiety about talking to the dentist or visiting our office, consider bringing a good friend or family member along to the examination to help out. And remember that small problems now can become large problems later. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our friendly dental team at Brown Dental Arts today.